9 találat a „” kifejezésre
2018. december 6.
A White Book to Document Injustice
2016. május 18.
Communiqué regarding the Székely Mikó Highschool
2015. június 8.
Study on the case of Székely Mikó High School of Sepsiszentgyörgy
2015. február 20.
Human Rights Alert Issued about Re-nationalization of Székely Mikó High School
2014. december 11.
Ecumenical Solidarity on ‘renationalisation’ of Székely Mikó High School
2014. december 10.
Statement of The Transylvanian Reformed Church District’s Extraordinary Assembly on the 29th of November 2014
2014. december 3.
Reformed Church in Romania Fears Potential Precedent in Re-nationalization of Church Property
2014. december 1.
Heavy Protests against Re-nationalization of Church Property in Romania
2014. november 27.