WCRC solidarity letter to the Reformed Church in Sub-Carpathia


16 September 2014


Dear Bishop Zán-Fábián,

On behalf of the Council of WCRC Europe, we wish to express our sincerest concerns and prayers for you and the members of your community during this time, especially those who have lost loved ones.

In the midst of violence and unrest, your church continues to be an advocate for peace. We could all stand to learn from your steadfast Christian example. We appreciate your statement of peace and echo your call for an end to the violence and for unity between all nationalities living in Ukraine.

We are greatly saddened by the fact that there remains cause for statements of peace and cause for yet another letter of solidarity. We had sincerely hoped that the tensions would have come to a peaceful resolution following our last correspondence in March. Unfortunately, that is not the case, so we will take this opportunity to once again assure you of our prayerful solidarity. The WCRC Steering Committee will hold a meeting in mid October, and your feedback, thoughts and concerns on the current state of affairs in Sub-Carpathia would be most welcome.

The situation facing the Hungarian minority in Ukraine is very troubling. Please be assured that we are deeply committed to helping your community by all means possible. If there is more we can do with and for you, please let us know.

However, above all else, we pray that this letter gives strength to you in the dark times when hope seems so difficult to find. You are with us every day in our prayers. We, your reformed brothers and sisters, have not forgotten you. If it is in any way helpful to you, we or other representatives of the WCRC member churches are ready to visit you and to express our solidarity in this way.

With continued prayers for the peace in your country and blessing upon your church,


Jan-Gerd Heetderks

President: Council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches in Europe


Alexander Horsburgh

Secretary: Council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches in Europe