COMMUNIQUÉ ON CIMS To whom it may concern

The Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies has to close its door. Please read below the announcement of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary.

The Leadership of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary (KRE) announces with regret that due to the major changes in higher education in Hungary, and as part of its restructuring process has found it necessary to close down the Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies (CIMS), and to reorganize its function within the University. The Senate of the University made a formal decision on June 22, which will take effect on July 1, 2012.

KRE is grateful for the work and service of CIMS and especially to its director Dr. Anne-Marie Kool. CIMS in its 6 years of existence within KRE has added an internationally recognised value to the work of the University by high standard education and conferences on Missiology. The University is dedicated to carry on the projects and programs of CIMS within its Faculty of Theology. The Theological Faculty of the Károli University will review and manage the agreements, on-going projects and any planned future actions of CIMS. However, striking the balance between existing resources and duties/obligations is a primary task now. The University is devoted to continue the contacts with the partners of CIMS and hopes to work for furthering the cause of Missiology in fellowship with our partners abroad.

The Leadership of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Budapest, 26th June, 2012